Leslie Rossouw Therapy Psychology in South West London

Couples Therapy

In my work as couple therapist in Battersea, I draw on the principles of CBT as well as psycho-dynamic theory to understand the dynamics of a couple. Ultimately, understanding the particular couple in front of me is at the heart of the treatment, and we navigate what therapy will focus on together. I offer time-limited (up to 20 sessions) or open ended couple therapy. I work with couples (as well as individuals) to firstly come to a deeper (and shared) understanding of what their difficulties are really about (looking for key themes in the couple’s distress). This understanding supports couples to develop increased acceptance and empathy towards each other and navigate the stuck points more easily. Often, understanding alone is not enough, so a second step of couple therapy is to consider change, with the aim to empower partners to have a more fulfilling experience of their relationship. Communication training may very well play a part in this. The aim of couple therapy differs for couples – some hope to reach a deeper level of connection or a better quality of relationship, for others it is support in coming to terms and processing the end of a relationship (or indeed to arrive at a decision about a relationship). Couple therapy can offer support for any of these goals.

Have you considered that couple therapy could help you overcome your depression?

Couple therapy shows significant improvement in depression, therefore if one (or both) partner(s) suffer from depression, couple therapy may be a very valuable therapy to consider. Couple therapy may not be suitable for all couples, so to further discuss whether couple therapy and my approach to working with couples can be of benefit for you personally, do get in touch and I will be happy to discuss this further.

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